Yoga for the Heart
Mindful movement for the heart, for conscious connection — that’s what I want to share in today’s post. Yoga is more than just a physical practice you see, and when you learn to accept yourself as you are on the mat, you’ll learn to translate the same to your life off the mat as well.
Here are a few poses that can help with making better connections, let go of what does not serve and lead with the heart.
Sukhasana — Easy Pose
Come into a comfortable seat of your choice. This could be on the ground, you could prop yourself up with a blanket or cushion, sit on a couch, chair or your comfy bed. If it is uncomfortable or you feel you won’t be comfortable for too long in the same position, use a towel or blanket or even a cushion to pad the bum and sit up taller. Cross your legs however you like, in a lotus manner or one foot on top of the other, or one foot in front of the other. The beauty of it is that YOU get to decide what works for you. Keep your head, neck and spine stacked and straight so air circulation is at its optimal. Open your heart by drawing the shoulders down and back. Allow yourself at least five minutes in this pose to feel its benefits.
Benefits of this pose include:
- Improves mobility.
- Helps you feel calm, relaxed and at peace.
- Helps the spine align itself lending to optimal circulation.
Ashta Chandrasana — High Lunge
High lunge can be a demanding and advanced pose, however there are variations you can opt for and also use props for extra support. Come to stand at the top of the mat with your feet hip width apart. Step the right foot back toward the end of your mat and bend into your left knee. The ball of the right foot should ideally be firmly rooted to the ground. Lengthen your torso, your upper body forward and upward. It is important that you open your chest, draw the shoulders down and back instead of allowing it to crunch in. You could keep your hand on your waist, or lift them toward the sky to create more length. If this is too difficult, lower the back knee. You can pad the knee with a cushion or blanket as well. Hold for five breath cycles and switch legs.
Benefits of this pose include:
- Lengthens the spine, thereby stretching the chest and muscles around the heart and lungs for optimal circulation.
- Therapeutic for indigestion and constipation.
- Stimulates the abdominal organs.

Virabadrasana III — Warrior III
Get ready to fly! Begin in your high lunge stance. Straighten the front knee and lengthen your spine as you slowly begin to title the torso forward toward the front of your mat, and maybe, just maybe lift the back toes off the ground. You could use a block to keep the toes lifted until you feel more comfortable balancing on one foot. This will take some inner strength and core activation. Remember, practice makes progress. In time, you will be able to lift the toes a little higher, and square off the hips. You could keep your hands reaching forward or towards the back of the mat. Hold for five breath cycles and switch legs.
Benefits of this pose include:
- Improves your sense of balance and strengthens your core.
- Stretches and strengthens the calves, the thighs, and hips.
- Strengthens the shoulders and muscles of the back.
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