Yoga for the Gut
Gut health is often ignored until bad bacteria begin to take over your body. For optimal gut wellbeing, there needs to be a balance between good and bad bacteria within your system. A healthy balance can mean regular bowel movement, vital energy, and mental clarity.

In this month’s new yoga class I’m focusing on improving digestion, enhancing liver and kidney detoxification and improving overall gut health. Here are a few poses that can help:
Ardha Matsyendrasana — Seated Twist
Also known as Half Lord of the Fishes Poses, this seated twist, like all twists, is great for detoxification and stimulates digestion. Let’s come into a seat on the ground, feet laid out in front of you. Cross your right knee across the left, bringing the foot to the left side of the mat. Inhale to place your right hand toward the back of your right hip, exhale. Take another deep breath as you lift your left hand toward the sky. On your exhale, bring the left elbow to the outer edge of your right knee. You can press your knee and elbow against each other to create greater resistance. You may also turn your head toward your right shoulder; however if this causes any strain in the neck, continue to look forward. Lengthen the spine with each inhale and perhaps try to delve into the twist a little bit deeper with each exhale. Hold for a few breaths and release, and continue the same on the left side.
Benefits of this pose includes:
- Improves posture
- Relieves constipation
- Deep stretch for the shoulders and hips
Utkatasana — Chair Pose
Don’t let any images of this pose keep you from giving it a go. This is quite a powerful and strong pose that you’ll hopefully come to love. Let’s come to stand at the top of the mat, feet either together or hip width apart. Take a few deep breaths in your Tadasana — Mountain Pose. On your next inhale lift your hands toward the sky, bend your knees and send your hips back. Pretend like you’re about to sit yourself down on a chair. Most of the weight should be felt in the heels of the feet. Make sure your knees are not ahead of your toes. Relax your shoulders. Breath deeply. You may look forward or toward your hands for balance and support. Engage your centre and hold for a few breaths. To release, inhale as you straighten the knees, and exhale back to Tadasana.
Benefits of this pose includes:
- Invigorates and energises the entire body
- Strengthens the hip flexors, muscles of the calves and back
- Stimulates the abdominal organs.

Navasana — Boat Pose
Another one for your centre. Come into a seat at the centre of your mat, feet with the knees bent in front of you. Let’s try a simpler version of this pose first — keep the knees bent and wrap your arms around the bottom of your thighs. Bring the knees closer to your torso as you lean the upper body slightly back. You may opt to keep the toes touching the ground or try to lift them, one foot at a time. Make sure not to round through the spine. Breath deeply to lengthen and balance yourself in this pose. If you want to take this pose a step further, release the hold of the thighs and straighten the arms. If you want to take this pose yet another step further, try to straighten the knees. Hold for a few breaths and release.
Benefits of this pose includes:
- Strengthens your abdominal muscles
- Helps to stay focused
- Improves the strength of the spine
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