The Eight Limbs of Ayurveda
Continuing from the previous write-up on the Three Ayurvedic Doshas, this month’s focus is on keeping the three doshas in balance and its maintenance.
While there are some individuals with just one primary dosha, there are others with a combination of two doshas or even a balanced state of all three doshas. The key to preserving a balance between the doshas is to hone the ability in noticing imbalances that may arise, and to adopt practices that will counterbalance these. Imbalances could be caused either by the environment, diet or emotional state, so therefore it is important to all aware so that one remains in a healthy balanced state. Any malfunction in these doshas causes disease to the mind and body according to Ayurveda.
“Ayurvedic treatment of mind and body depends on the prakurthi (nature or body constitution) of an individual. This is the base of an Ayurvedic diagnose as well as the treatment” said Dr. Gayathri Nissanka, Ayurvedic Physician at Jetwing Ayurveda Pavilions.
Ashtanga Ayurveda
Ashtanga Ayurveda refers to the eight primary limbs of Ayurveda that it’s diagnosis and treatment is focused upon. Each one is special and diverse in its own way and this allows Ayurvedic specialists and scholars to have a better knowledge of the mind and body.
- Kayachikitsa
- Bala Chikitsa
- Bhuta Vidya
- Shalakya Tantra
- Shalya Tantra
- Agada Tantra
- Rasayana
- Vajikarana
Kaya means body and chikitsa means treatment. This branch of Ayurveda focuses on the internal body and respective treatments for diseases that affect it. General treatments for illnesses like jwara (fever), raktapitta (bleeding disorders), shosha (emaciations), unmada (insanity), apasmara (epilepsy), kushta (skin diseases) and so on.
On the other hand, kaya also means and refers to agni or antharagni. According to Ayurveda, every disease is caused by the deterioration of agni in the body constitution — the digestive fire. Agni should be ideally treated and balanced.
Kaumarabhritya/ Bala Chikitsa
This particular limb refers to paediatrics and the care of children. According to Kasyapa Samhitha this is the most special branch in Ayurveda because the treatment and care of children is special. Kumara refers to children up to the age of 16, and bharana means growth and development. This branch deeply discusses and explores the growth and development of infants and children, purification of vitiated breastmilk in wetnurses, treatments for illnesses caused by the soiled breastmilk and so on.
“Ayurveda has described maintenance and development of each and everything from the birth of a human, detailed sets of rituals ideal for respective ages. These treatments are specially designed for brain development as well as immune modulatory measures,” added Gayathri.
Graha Chikitsa/ Bhuta Vidya
This branch of Ayurveda offers treatment for psychosomatic diseases caused by spirits or unseen energies. Many of the rituals and devotions are not practiced in great length at present, but are known to have profound effect on treating psychiatric diseases. This is often referred to as Ayurvedic Psychotherapy as well.
Shalya Tantra
Shalya means foriegn objects and as a whole this limb refers to surgical and para surgical management. “When a foriegn body dwells inside our body, it causes a natural inflammatory reaction. Symptoms include redness, swelling and pain. Surgical removal involves an internal extraction. Removal of a dead fetus, pus, cracked bones, as well as external fragments of grass, wood, metals and stones fall under Shalya Tantra,” explained Gayathri.
All the treatment measures, including the utility of ancient surgical instruments (yanthra), sharp surgical interventions (shasthra), alkaline treatments (kshara karma) options and fire qatarization (agni karma) are thoroughly described under Shalya Tantra.
Shalakya Tantra/ Urdhwanga Chikitsa
Urdhawanga means the organs above the collarbone, especially referring to the ears, eyes, nose, mouth (throat) and head. All treatments and remedies in par with this limb of Ayurveda support and remedy nethra roga (eye diseases), karna roga (ear diseases ), nasa roga (nasal diseases ), mukha roga (diseases of the mouth, teeth, palate, lips and gums).
Agada Tantra/ Visha Chikitsa/Dhamstra
Originating from the idea of toxicology, Agada Tantra focuses on the identification, diagnosis and the treatments of bites and stings of various poisonous snakes, spiders, insects, rats and also artificial toxic substances and poisons. The antidotes are in the form of natural herbal materials.
Rasayana Tantra/Jara Chikitsa
This branch of Ayurveda focuses on the the overall quality of ayu (life). It’s methods of support diversify along the lines of maintaining a youthful glow, anti-ageing herbal remedies, a focus on medha bala (intelligence and retention power) and strength and immunity. “You could consider it to be methodologies, tips and tricks for lustrous skin, agility and a wholesome health condition. While some treatments are external, there are a few internal as well,” Gayathri expressed.
Vajikarana Tantra/ Vrusha Tantra
All the treatments and the measures used for nourishment, cleansing , accentuating the quantity and production of shukra (semen) in an individuals those have alpa (reduced quantity), dushta (contaminated with vitiated doshas), heena (decreased) and shuska (dried) semen is focussed in the limb known as Vajikarana Tantra. Other agents that induce euphoria in sexual activity is also part of it. In terms of treatment and support, the focus lies on infertility, subfertility and the lifestyle modifications for a healthy sexual life.
(to be continued…)