The times are changing, or rather have already begun to. For some it already has, turned their lives upside down and cast a path of uncertainty and instability.
Amidst the chaos of where humanity is heading, how do we find a sense of grounding?
As much as I have always preferred to keep to myself, I am noticing a shift within me. A shift of perspective that is steering me towards wanting to be a bit more vocal about my drive, my passion and perhaps if I may say so, my dharma.
I am noticing a deep craving to be of service, in any way that I am able to — whether its by lending an ear to a friend who wishes to vent, guiding another through a mindfulness and yoga practice, creating content on consciousness and building a deeper connection with ourselves and sharing it amongst my circle of people, navigating a change of creative writing that inspires and hopefully motivates, and much more…much much more that I wish to delve into.
This sense of wanting to serve, has been a nurturing in the making. I’d like to think there’s plenty more to learn, ways to grow, opportunities to be better, do better, but I feel it’s right in my bones at this point of my life to begin to give back in some or at least most of the ways I have found meaning and purpose.
I’m noticing how much of an impact sharing my knowledge, my practice, my time and my teachings can have, not only toward others but also towards my own self. I am becoming aware of what a responsibility it is, to share my experience let alone guide a completely different person and have that turn into something more than just moving the body. I am becoming aware of it impact on the mind and body, on the emotional as well as spiritual self.
It is more. Yoga is everything and more to me. It has been and continues to be the foundation to my being ever since the day I discovered it. Every lesson that I have learned on the mat, I take with me throughout the rest of the day off the mat and into my life, or at least I try to. It has given me a deep sense of belonging, of grounding, of calm, even in these unstable and uncertain times, especially in these times. My perspective at this moment is to find ways in which I can share that with those around me, in the hopes that others too may find some sense of belonging and grounding. That is the hope.
I cannot tell you how much it means to give back, and also somehow be able to receive at the same time. There is no terminology for it in the English dictionary — but the Sanskrit term ‘Muditha’ sums it for the most part. Muditha is the feeling of pleasure derived from another person’s wellbeing. It is not to be confused with pride. It comes with a deep sense of humility and gratitude.
This is where I am at at present, where I have arrived — and hopefully where I will continue to grow.