Deal. Manage. Survive.
However you attempt to describe ‘cope’, it doesn’t necessarily sum it up in my mind. To cope is to bear all matters and all things and all feelings as best you can.
As humans we tend to cope in a multitude of ways, depending on the situation or circumstances that is upon us. This year by far has tested every individual’s ability to cope under countless situations.
Whether it’s stress, grief, loneliness, anger, shame, fear, doubt, joy, despair, neglect, betrayal….okay the list could go on…., we all have our own ways of coping.
When I cope, I go inward and I go quiet. It’s the only way I know how to deal, to manage, to survive.
I don’t talk much. I communicate less, even with friends. I create my own bubble and stay inside for days, even weeks. I mask myself with a plastic smile. I pretend like everything is okay. I put up a tough face.
I lose my appetite. I have weird dreams. I am unable to concentrate. My focus goes haywire. I lay in bed with scattered thoughts. I think I should write all my emotions down but I don’t. I lose my sense of motivation. I am unable to see a purpose to anything.
In these times of uncertainty and vulnerability, I also find a sense of comfort. I know I am not alone in my feeling of these emotions. Coping reminds me that it takes bravery to be this vulnerable, and vulnerability only leads to overcoming obstacles and strength.
Resurfacing takes times. Healing takes times. Let it happen.
Trust the process.
You may emerge a different person than you were before, but be mindful of the fact that you should be a better version, and not worse.
Cope as best you can.
Remember, this too shall pass.