Breath…. Prana….Our life force.
How often do we take time to notice an inhale and an exhale? A few times a day? Rarely ever?
It’s funny how much we tend to take breath for granted, and oh, we do. We very often do take it for granted — because it happens so naturally, even when we aren’t mindful.
I think for the first time, I became more aware of my breath a little less than a year ago. I was going through a difficult time, and I almost gave up on myself. I found no value in the life I was leading. I didn’t give a thought to my own self.
In the days that followed, it was a struggle to comprehend what I wanted out of my life and to understand how worthy I was as a human being. Once again, we humans tend to rarely take the time to see and appreciate our life’s worth.
It took some time alright…and in that time, I came to be more conscious of my breath; the beautiful dance of inhaling and exhaling, the lifting and the softening, the rise and the fall. I like to describe the breath as a dance of the ocean waves. If you listen closely and breath deeply, you’ll come to understand what I’m saying.
Breath is what gives us life and allows us this beautiful opportunity to live and act. Without it, we would cease to exist. I think it’s therefore important to learn to be open and seek to bring this energy force into our daily lives in a more holistic manner.
“The human body is sustained by the same prana that nourishes the universe. The body (your equipment) has the ability to control and use this special energy through the use of “pranayama” (practice of breathing). Don’t let true word scare you — it just means to control, channel, and direct the flow of prana through the use of breath.”
― John Holland, Psychic Navigator